Tuesday, September 11, 2012


My little girl just started Preschool and it has been so fun to see what she comes home with and what she has learned. Her teacher, Mrs. King will send home the lyrics of some of the songs they have learned in class so I thought why not share these fun songs with all of you. Honestly I never would have thought songs could keep kids busy for such a long time! Rylee and I can sing songs for hours and both of us are very entertained. I will post a song everytime her teacher sends her home with one!

Apple Finger play
Five little apples lying on the floor.
I'll roll one away, and that makes four.
(Make rolling motion with arms)

Four little apples hanging on a tree.
I'll pick one off, and that leaves three,
(Pick an imaginary apple)

Three little apples, I know what to do!
I'll put one in my pocket, and that leaves two.
(Pretend to put apples in your pocket)

Two little apples sitting in the sun.
I'll pick one up and that leaves one.
(Pretend to pick up an apple off the floor)

One little apple waiting in my lunch.
I'll eat it up with a crunch, crunch, crunch.
(pretend to take a big bite!)

Exercise song
I exercise it's good for me
It makes me strong as you can see
I exercise it's good for me
It makes me strong as you can see

I touch my knees, I touch my toes
I reach up high, so I will grow
I touch my knees, I touch my toes
I reach up high, so I will grow!

I move my legs, I run in place
I keep a smile right on my face
I move my legs, I run in place
I keep a smile right on my face!

I move my arms, around and round
I think I might fly off the ground
I move my arms, around and round
I think I might fly off the ground

I'm nearly done, I have to hustle
But not before, I show my muscle
I'm nearly done, I have to hustle
But not before, I show my muscle.


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